Operating Plan


The current Operating Plan for the EU Joint Programming Initiative on Neurodegenerative Disease Research (JPND) covers the period 2015-2020. It builds on the previous Implementation Plan, which was the basis for JPND activities from 2012 to 2014, and is further based on the input and recommendations from JPND Action Groups (AG), previous joint transnational calls (JTCs) and other JPND activities, as well as the JPND Scientific Advisory Board (SAB), Executive Board (EB), Management Board (MB) and external experts.

This Operating Plan entails a series of recommendations for the formulation and implementation of JPND strategy, including future calls for proposals and other joint activities, as follows:

  • Launch calls for proposals at a regular pace, following the procedures for peer review evaluation and selection of consortia to be funded.
  • Establish a web ‘portal’ for longitudinal cohorts that can be utilised for ND research.
  • Organise workshops to facilitate exchange of knowledge and new ideas regarding experimental models.
  • Conduct a stakeholder survey to identify the modalities necessary for a improve alignment actions.
  • Identify available national research & innovation resources.
  • Establish collaborations with industries and IMI2 programmes.
  • Establish and implement strategies for JPND longterm sustainability.
  • Give novel impulse to actions on health and social care research.
  • Consider the relevance and requisites for the creation of an Action Group on training and skills.
  • Refresh the Strategic Research Agenda in 2017/ 2018.
  • Extend the capacities of the JPND globally and within Europe, including to the EU-13 missing Member States.

Furthermore, impact monitoring and dissemination of activity outputs should be considered.

The ERA‐NET JPco‐fuND and the CSA JPsustaiND are the EC instruments that support this Operating Plan.