Tag Archives: cross-disease

Marisol Touraine, Minister of Social Affairs, Health and Women’s Rights, Geneviève Fioraso, State Secretary for Higher Education and Research, and Laurence Rossignol, Secretary of State for Families, People elderly and Autonomy, recently launched the French National Plan neurodegenerative diseases 2014-2019.

Announced by the President of the Republic, this plan from a wide consultation with stakeholders, has three priorities:

  • Improving the diagnosis and management of patients
  • Ensuring the quality of life of patients and their caregivers
  • Develop and coordinate research

The French Government is committed to a dynamic of progress in research, care and support. The plan takes into account the specificities of each disease and provides concrete solutions to the needs of patients and their caregivers.

A total of fifteen international consortia have been proposed for funding under two JPND Transnational calls between a total of 18 countries.

These new projects are aiming to analyse neurodegenerative diseases across traditional clinical boundaries, and also to begin “pilot” studies for the design of preventive strategies.

The projects are supported under two JPND transnational calls for proposals entitled:

The calls were launched in December 2013 with a pre-proposal deadline of March 2014. Sixteen countries participated in each call.

The project proposals have been proposed for funding by the respective Peer Review Panels based on scientific evaluation and by the respective Call Steering Committees based on budget availability.

For further information on the projects proposed for funding, click on the links below.