
The rpAD study is a longitudinal study, which recruits patients from the entire federal territory. In addition, patients from the Clinical Dementia Centre are recruited at the Neurological and Psychiatric Clinic of the University Medical Center of G’ttingen, with these usually classical clinical forms being internal controls. The aim of the study is to characterize the biological factors and parameters that define the disease progression in AD.

After the patient is informed and consent is given, the inclusion examination is carried out. It includes a detailed history and anamnesis as well as a physical examination, which includes an in-depth examination of the neurological status. A neuropsychological test for cognitive testing is performed using the CERAD-plus test battery. Furthermore, the GDS score is obtained, which allows an assessment of the severity of the cognitive deficits by means of a 7-stage classification. The ADL score is used to assess the activities of daily life (Lawton and Brody 1969).

Six months after the initial examination, a telephone follow-up is carried out. Further investigations are carried out on an annual basis and correspond to the initial examination.

Last Update 21/09/2017