The JUMPAHEAD project has launched a web-based survey to map current research and resources supporting neurodegeneration research activity across 23 member states. The survey will also capture data on the policy landscape.

According to Dr Robin Buckle, a member of the JPND Management Board, and who is leading the process to draft the Strategic Research Agenda in neurodegenerative disease,

’The information gathered will be used to help generate the Strategic Research Agenda for future neurodegeneration research in Europe. It is also hoped the database will help facilitate connections between researchers, to enable more collaboration and improve the exploitation of existing resources. It should also provide more scope to attract researchers from other fields into this area. It is likely that the information collected will also be useful to anyone who is interested in finding out about research and policy aimed at addressing the increasing burden of neurodegenerative disease.’

The web-based survey will be completed by nominated representatives from participating member states.  Further information about the survey can be found at the link below.



9 lutego, 2011