Researchers have developed a chemical compound called Fluselenamyl that detects amyloid clumps better than current FDA-approved compounds.

The compound, described in a paper published in Scientific Reports, potentially could be used in brain scans to identify the signs of early-stage Alzheimer’s disease or to monitor response to treatment.

Using human amyloid beta proteins, the researchers showed that Fluselenamyl bound to such proteins two to 10 times better than each of the three FDA-approved imaging agents for detecting amyloid beta. In other words, Fluselenamyl detected much smaller clumps of the protein, indicating that it may be able to detect the brain changes associated with Alzheimer’s disease earlier.

The next step is to move to testing in patients. The researchers have submitted an application to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) for a phase 0 trial, to establish whether Fluselenamyl is safe for use in humans and behaves in the human body the same way it behaves in mice. Phase 0 trials involve a low dose given to a small number of people to learn how a molecule is processed in the body and how it affects the body.

Paper: “Fluselenamyl: A Novel Benzoselenazole Derivative for PET Detection of Amyloid Plaques (Aβ) in Alzheimer’s Disease”
Reprinted from materials provided by Washington University in Saint Louis.

ianuarie 18, 2017