Title of the cohort

Hertfordshire Birth Cohort

Acronym for cohort
Name of Principal Investigator
First name Cyrus
Last nameCooper
Address of institution where award is held
InstitutionMRC Lifecourse Epidemiology Unit
Street AddressSouthampton General Hospital
PostcodeSO16 6YD

United Kingdom



Contact email
Funding source

Medical Research Council
University of Southampton

1. The cohort includes, or expects to include, incidence of the following conditions
  • Neurodegenerative disease in general
When studies on the above condition(s) are expected to become possible

Already possible

2a. Stated aim of the cohort

To investigate the role of early growth in the development of adult disease

2b. Features distinguishing this cohort from other population cohorts

The availability of data on birthweight and weight at one year in people born from 1911-39

3a. i) Number of publications that involve use of cohort to date
3a. ii) Up to three examples of studies to date (PI, Institution, Title of Study)
3b. Publication list/link to where data or publications are accessible (if available)


3c. Information (i.e. research findings) expected to be gained from the population cohort
4a. Study criteria: age range of participants at recruitment
Age in years from:recruited at birth
To (‘until death’ if applicable):until death
4b. Study criteria: inclusion criteria

Born in Hertfordshire 1911-39
birthweight and weight at one stated
singleton birth
traced on NHS central register

4c. Study criteria: exclusion criteria

Not the above

5. Size of the cohort (i.e. number of participants enrolled)

More than 15,000

6a. Measures used to characterise participants

Weight at one year
Cause of death
Detailed clinical characterisation of subset (C4000)

6b. Additional measures for participants with a clinical disorder


6c. Are there defined primary and secondary endpoints (e.g. defined health parameters)


7. Study design
  • Longitudinal
8. Cases matched by
  • Other health assessment (specify) / N/A
  • n/a
9a. Does the study include a specialised subset of control participants


9b. If yes, description of specialised subset of control participants
10a. i) Data collection start date


10a. ii) Data collection end date


10a iii) Data collection for this study is
  • Data collection ongoing
  • Data analysis ongoing
10b. Plans to continue the cohort study beyond the current projected end date
  • No
11. Data collected
  • Through links to medical records
12. System in place to enable re-contact with patients for future studies

Yes (participants have given permission to be re-contacted via the PIs to ask if they would participate in further studies)

13a. Format and availability of data stored in a database
Yes/No% available
Data summarised in database Yes 100
Database is web-based No
Database on spreadsheet No
Database is on paper No
Other (specify) Yes
Language used:

Stored in Access Database

13b. Format and availability of data held as individual records
Yes/No% available
Data held as individual records Yes 100
Data is web-basedNo
Data held on computer based records Yes
Data held on cards No
Other (specify)
Language used:
14a. Are data available to other groups


14b. Access policy/mechanisms for access if data are available to other groups
  • Apply to PI or co-ordinator at resource
  • Access Committee mechanism
15. Data sharing policy specified as a condition of use

No requirement to make data publicly available

16a. Are tissues/samples/DNA available to other groups


16b. i) Description of available tissues/samples/DNA
  • Living donors:blood
  • Living donors: blood derivatives
  • Living donors: DNA
  • Living donors: skeletal muscle biopsy
  • Other, please specify
  • Above samples stored from a subset (C4000), some of whom have since died
16b. ii) Form available tissues/samples/DNA are supplied in
  • Other, please specify
  • By negotiation
16b. iii) Is the access policy/mechanism for obtaining samples the same as that for obtaining data


17. Is information on biological characteristics available to other groups
  • If available for a subset please specify number of patients and % of total cohort
  • 4000/35,000 = 11%

    Types: Population Cohorts
    Member States: United Kingdom
    Diseases: Neurodegenerative disease in general
    Years: N/A
    Database Categories: N/A
    Database Tags: N/A

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